Visionary Moms & Dads Registration Options & Guidelines
Dearest Fertilehearted Friends:
Hi Julia, I am writing to tell you that I am pregnant. I took the test at the end of last week, and, amazingly, I am naturally pregnant (after 6 failed IVF’s, 4 IUI’s with stimulation drugs over 8 years)… I am doing lots of The White Flower, Three Steps Forward and Welcome Home as I am constantly worrying about miscarrying…. I wasn’t going to join in tonight’s circle as a result, but I could do it if you think it would be helpful….Thank you so very much for all your help, love and support. I was only thinking the other week how it was a year ago on 1 March that I came to Woodstock to meet you.
Yours affectionately,
Sarah P. London UK
Whether you intend to continue in this group, or are joining us for the first time after completing the introductory sessions, WELCOME!
To make sure we’re all on the same page, please take the time to read through the guidelines in this note. Without guidelines things can get pretty chaotic, especially since we’re engaging with such an emotionally charged subject. I thank you VERY MUCH and can’t wait to support you as you keep moving closer and closer to your beautiful families.
Creating a safe space for all of us is a number one priority for me. Which is why I want to make sure it’s clear is that this practice is not a substitute for psychotherapy. Please seek the help of a qualified health professional if you feel at any point that you are getting in touch with feelings that are difficult for you to handle on your own.
Another clarification: the 3 Session Introductory Series is now a pre-requisite for everyone who wishes to join this group. It’s a three week systematic introduction to the practice and I have found that people who do the intro calls come into this group with a much deeper appreciation of what it is we’re aiming for.
Before going any further, for those of you who are new to our community, I want to clarify something especially if you’re planning to go through medical treatment: If you check out the IVF and egg donation testimonial pages you’ll see that my work doesn’t exclude technology. My work is about supporting you through whatever journey you choose to take, but making sure you use technology in a most self-protective, health-enhancing way possible
I’ve created two registration options to make room for those of you who for now just want to dip your toes into the Fertile Heart stream, and for those of you are ready to dive in, engage more fully.
The note below will clarify a bit more the difference between each registration option. I or my team is happy to answer any questions that might come up for you, just shoot us an email at!
For Members Only:
Here is what’s been pressing on my mind and heart:
Some of you have heard me say recently that for the first time in years, I have counted the number of failed cycles, (mostly IVF’s) in two totally random Introductory Teleconference Series. 114. A group of 30 women went through 114 failed cycles. If I were to assign a very conservative cost of $5,000 per cycle (conservative because some of these women had a failed egg donation cycle, which can run upward of ($30,000), the revenue for the fertility clinics and the pharmaceutical companies was $570, 000. Over a half a million dollars.
This was a half a million dollar investment which for many of these women resulted in further hormonal imbalance and possibly not only diminished their chance of conceiving a biological child, it might have endangered their health. I am also confident that what they have learned in the Introductory Series and hopefully will continue learning about themselves in our Visionary calls, can turn their past disappointments into an immense source of strength and healing. I’ve seen it happen for thousands of people. I know it can be done.
But that number 114, was a sobering wake up call for me.
Why? Because I have been a passionate patient advocate, offering an actionable, science based approach to fertility challenges for two decades. (Yes, science is catching up with the Fertile Heart philosophy. Our language might be different but the idea is the same. They talk about epigenetics, I talk about the Unbearable Oneness of the Holy Human Loaf). I’ve written two books, posted countless pages of information and inspiration on FertileHeart and received thousands of private thank you notes for writing those books and for leading the workshops and teleconference that I’m told have made a difference in people’s lives.
But the 30 women with those 114 failed treatments, either never heard about my work or they heard about it but didn’t give it serious consideration. Their trust in medical technology was far greater than trust in what they perceived as some sort of an adjunct mind body stress reduction program.
Why didn’t they hear about me or taken me seriously, so that they could prepare for treatment before enduring those 114 failed cycles?
For many reasons. For one, the landscape of the baby making world is rapidly changing. With the explosion of infertility sites, blogs, thousands of clinics worldwide, it now takes an army of highly paid marketers to be found.
Or it takes flesh and blood human beings who are willing to reach out to someone and share a name of a book or website they have found helpful.
I’m hoping that by engaging more fully in our awesome circle, you will get to appreciate more fully the power of this work and will be genuinely compelled to reach out to someone searching for support.
So, dearest Visionary Mamas and Papas, if you’re still reading, here is what I need from you if you wish to register for the Visionary calls as a Member.
- Check about availability of membership spots, and register. After registering you should now automatically receive the Dial In number for the series. It’s the same number for each session of the particular series the same way as in the Intensive Sessions. If for any reason that does not happen please take responsibility for receiving the number by emailing us at If you haven’t received the number prior to the day of the call, please check your spam mail, then email us again or call 845-679-5469. Thank you.
- Engage with at least one aspect of the practice in a way that is safe and helpful, and come into our circle with something you wish to work on, or questions that have come up for you. You’re welcome to email me the day before the session if you’re burning to work on something. Why do I ask for this? In order to raise the value of this series for you and everyone else. I can’t promise that I will deliver on every request but if you stay engaged I’m pretty sure you will receive exactly what you need from each call.
- Post a comment on the latest blog as soon after registering as possible. Why do I ask for this? Because we get to keep in touch, get to know each other and initiate a more meaningful public conversation about “infertility,” and the I.B.O.W. practice.
- Become someone’s Golden Thread of Hope. Take one action that might encourage someone to explore this work. (Without of course, spamming anyone) Thank you for following through on this before attending the second session of the series and please send me a note letting me know what you chose to do. As a grateful leader of this community I so appreciate being heard. If you need help figuring out the best way to do it, feel free to email us for suggestions. Why do I ask for this? Because you could indeed be someone’s golden thread of hope. I’m also asking for this, so that we could keep providing the many free resources we offer as a fiercely independent organization without industry sponsors and keep offering our educational workshops and teleconferences at fees accessible to most people who need them. .
- If you miss a session, continue with the practice If you miss a session, please don’t ask me or the other moms to fill you in on what transpired in the session or share the suggestions for home-practice. The most fun and the most healing part of these circles is not the sharing of information but the practice of “conception,” in real time with guidance. The basic practice is always the same. Other than that, I make individual recommendations based on what happens in the group and we would need to spend lots time filling you in to make those recommendations meaningful. I bet if you reach into your FH toolbox, you’ll conceive the perfect Visionary rooted action for your journey.
- Registration logistics: If you are registering for the Visionary Series prior to the first session, you can do so through the website. Just go to the Event’s Page and click on the event. Your payment for the series is an expression of your six week commitment to yourself, to the practice and to our group. Please note that as generous as I intend to be, I will not be able to accommodate refunds or credits for missed sessions. Our aim in this group is to co-create a safe, conception friendly space we can all count on for the duration of 6 weeks. A space that offers each of you a solid container in which you can enjoy the full healing power of I.B.O.W. and seize the opportunity that comes with this particular challenge.
- Registration option for first-time membersIf you are new to this group and you have checked about availability, you can also register at any point for the remaining number of sessions of a series by clicking on the registration option of your choice. In that case, the fees will be pro-rated.
I hope you know how deeply I appreciate the honor of being part of your journey. Let’s keep listening and hearing each other. Imagery and Body Truth are powerful healing tools, but they’re not enough. It’s only when we become strong enough for contact with other humans that our myriad Orphans get to morph into passionate Visionary healers.
With love,
P.S. In order to make it easier for you to choose the right option, I have lowered the fee for the Participants for those of you who are not quite ready for membership.
The guidelines for Participants:
- Check about availability of membership spots, and register. After registering you should now automatically receive the Dial In number If for any reason that does not happen please take responsibility for receiving the number by emailing us at If you haven’t received the number prior to the day of the call, please check your spam mail, then email us again or call 845-679-5469. Thank you.
- If you miss a session, continue with the practice as noted above.
- Registration logistics are the same as for Members, except for the difference in Registration Fees.