Tips on How to Get Pregnant with Irregular Cycles
The Fertile Heart OVUM Approach to Balancing Hormones and Meeting Your Child Halfway
– by Julia Indichova
“The first thing I’d say to someone worried about how to get pregnant with irregular cycles is this: In the last two decades of counseling I’ve seen countless women, whose cycles were highly irregular, give birth to robust, full-term babies.”
Suzanne was one of those women. When she first attended the Meeting Your Child Halfway workshop, she shared with me that she did not ovulate each month and at 42 she was never pregnant. She was one of the many brilliant young women that responded to the ideas of the Fertile Heart OVUM Program with the enthusiasm of a scientist taking on a fascinating experiment.
Her baby girl was conceived naturally after Suzanne decided to attend the workshop the second time, bringing her husband along. (Take a look at what she says about her experience with Body Truth and with some of the sequences from the Fertile Heart Imagery CD.
The female ovulation cycle in general can fluctuate from woman to woman and from month to month. You may simply be ovulating earlier in your cycle and have a perfectly fine fertile body.
Or an irregular cycle is simply your body’s way of asking to be heard. Maybe, just maybe your beautiful body has been trying to flag you down for ages, but if you’re like me, you’ve been waaaay too busy to pay attention.
So…what else can your body do to get you to sit up and listen?
You got it. It can say No to your next request.
The carefully crafted tools of the Fertile Heart OVUM Program are meant to help you tune and hear what it is your body is trying to tell you. It’s meant to help you identify what it is that might be causing fluctuations in your menstrual cycles and why is it that your body is saying, NOT YET to pregnancy.
All of the tools of the practice, intend to give you the resources you need to become fully engaged in your own healing and allow those issues in your tissues to resolve itself as naturally and effortlessly as possible.
Here are a few issues to consider as you engage in you detective work collaborating with your healthcare provides and using your awesome Fertile Heart toolkit to become your own most respected fertility authority.
- Low progesterone – for a list of progesterone boosting foods click here
- Low estrogen – for a list of estrogen boosting foods click here
- Blood sugar imbalance – bring more sweetness into your life and aim to consume low glycemic foods that don’t cause a sudden spike in your glucose levels
- Weight issues – no you do not need to be a perfect weight but be sure to feed your hungry heart.
- Impaired adrenal function – for tips on increasing adrenal health check out this with my take on DHEA.
- Celiac disease -that’s a no brainer, eliminate gluten (but don’t drive yourself crazy about gluten if you’re not gluten intolerant)
- Digestion & elimination problems leading to poor nutrient absorption – 10 Fertility Food Tips
If you’ve been following my work for a while, you may have heard me say, “In the kingdom of baby making the power of veto is with Her Majesty the Heart.” I’ve seen women who stopped ovulating after a divorce or a death of a parent. A few more heart-related issues in your tissues that could lead to irregular cycles. :
- Birth trauma
- Marital conflict
- Unresolved conflicts about pregnancy or birth
- Guilt feelings linked to past pregnancy related choices (terminations of unwanted pregnancies)
The good news is that I’ve see every one of these symptoms resolves with the natural hormone balancing tools of the Fertile Heart OVUM Program (ideas, food, supplements, Fertile Heart Imagery, Body Truth movement sequences) and the support of our awesome generous Fertile Heart community. Join us when you’re ready, or better yet, don’t wait till you’re ready, Dive in because part of you knows it’s the perfectly fertile time for a game-changer.
Julia Indichova is the author of The Fertile Female: How the Power of Longing for a Child Can Save Your Life and Change the World and Inconceivable. The Fertile Heart™ Ovum Practice is an original fertility enhancing program that emerged through a decade and a half of counseling. Julia Indichova’s work has been endorsed by leading reproductive endocrinologists and her story and program was featured on the Oprah Winfrey Show, Good Morning America, Oxygen, Discovery Health, Huffington Post, and other outlets. She is the founder/CEO of