I’m so grateful to you Julia, I’m not embarrassed or ashamed in any way, you can share my story, use my name and my picture! It is my desire that more couples find you and your work. If nothing else, you are a better person at the end of the journey with you. Here is my story:
I stopped the Pill and no period for 60 days
We started trying to have a baby soon after I stopped taking the pill, I thought I was going to be one of those lucky ones that get pregnant right away because my period didn’t come for around 60 days. I kept taking pregnancy tests thinking the next one was going to be positive. Eventually it became clear that my cycles were pretty much out of sync, and that I was going to have to wait a little bit; they were lasting between 50 and 60 days and I didn’t even know if I was ovulating or not.
After 2,5 years with a naturopath I was pregnant but…
After 6 or 7 months, I started working with a naturopathic doctor. She taught me how to take my basal body temperature so I could understand my body better, and started prescribing some natural fertility remedies. After 2.5 years, I got pregnant. Back then, pregnancy equaled baby. I went for my first ultrasound at 10 weeks, and the baby didn’t have a heartbeat. Four moths after I got pregnant again, but then the 8 weeks ultrasound revealed no heartbeat again!
I kept eating well and working with my naturopathic doctor, and trying to get pregnant, but it was just not happening.
My doctor told me to check out Fertile Heart
One day, my doctor recommended checking the Fertile Heart™ website. I did, and read about Julia, her story and her approach to infertility. I decided to buy The Fertile Female; I loved it from the first page. It was a book full of hope, empowerment and tools. Soon after that I also bought Inconceivable, I just wanted to know more and more about this miracle that so many women had experienced with her method, hoping that it was possible for me also with a little bit of work and commitment. I loved both books; I would totally recommend anybody trying to conceive a baby to read them and apply them to your life.
After reading both books, I started participating in the Fertile Heart phone circles, sharing my feelings and asking questions. I started practicing daily the techniques described in the book, and doing the homework from the phone circles. I also scheduled a private session with Julia and in the first few minutes of sharing my history, she asked a question about the disruption of my menstrual cycles when I was 18, that I think was an important key to solving the mystery of my infertility.
The workshop and revelations
In February I decided to attend the one day intensive workshop in Woodstock and came away with some more important revelations about why I might not be getting pregnant. Julia suggested specific imagery exercises to help heal what needed to be healed and I took my imagery medicine religiously every morning and every night. The Fertile Heart™ Ovum imagery is different than any other visualizations I’ve ever tried. I would’ve never thought that visualizations could be such a powerful natural fertility medicine.
By mid April I found out that I was pregnant again, this time the ultrasound showed a beautiful little baby with a strong heartbeat. My pregnancy has been easy, with no complications. Today I am 34 weeks pregnant, and I am expecting a healthy baby girl.
It’s been a 5 year journey. There were times when everybody (including my parents) was pressuring me to do ART, take some Clomid or try something else. Today I can say I am glad I stood my ground and I followed what felt right to me. I am a very different person, and I will be a much better mom. This has been a life lesson for me, and a huge part of it, I learned through the Fertile Heart Ovum practice.