
Solo Mama Success Stories

It takes guts to choose to solo motherhood. Our Visionary Circle and the Fertile Heart toolkit has made it a lot easier for many of happy mamas who kept walking in the direction of their desire until the baby was safely in their arms.

Susan S. – Recurrent Miscarriages, “Advanced Maternal Age”

Because my doctors had no actual explanations for my infertility other than unproven theories – nothing empirical other than blood tests that vary each month – I remained open-minded and decided to learn from those who had suffered before me. Julia Indichova’s struggle, unfortunately, is not that unique. What is unique about her struggle is how she decided to ignore her doctors’ negative assessments that she would never birth a second child, and to figure out, on her own, how to better improve her reproductive system…

Her workshop is like a five-fold dose of her book, and I will admit I attended the workshop with some doubts as to how can someone who has no medical doctorate diagnose and fix me? And the answer is, by giving you the tools to empower yourself to “fix” yourself in ways not even you can truly understand…

From my personal experience of fear and doubt, anger and despair, after many cycles and several miscarriages, a diagnosis of “unexplained infertility” and doctors who said to continue doing the same thing yet expect different results, I am happy to share that a few weeks after attending Julia’s workshop and regulating everything in the next cycle and ignoring my doctor’s self-serving advice (skip this cycle so you can do IVF next cycle and pay me another $20,000 because somehow this time it will work), I conceived my child in a natural cycle, a child whom I carried to term.

Baby's onesie hanging on clothesline Fertile Heart Visionaries

Ariel   – After 3 Failed IUIs, a baby

I guess I have the usual single woman story of waiting and waiting and waiting and hoping that the next man I meet will be the right one. I thought I would be definitely married and pregnant, by the time I was thirty-seven. But none of the relationships of my early thirties were strong enough…I I, started thinking, OK – how am I going to get pregnant?

I started consulting doctors, and doing a bunch of tests. I had no idea what these tests meant. There was a whole panel of them, FSH, LH, To me, it was just a checklist. I had no idea that these things had any significance whatsoever. One day, I was in the hospital with a friend who was having a gallbladder operation. I remember sitting at the payphone in the hallway calling my gynecologist about test results. I could tell from the tone of her voice that something was wrong. “I’m so sorry,” she said to me. She sounded like there was a death in the family. She told me that my FSH was 17, and that that was bad news…I was hysterical all weekend. But by Monday I decided that I was going to try to get pregnant no matter what. This test was not going to stop me from trying. So I immediately made and appointment with a fertility specialist.. We went ahead and, since I didn’t have a partner, we did an insemination in her office. We just did a natural cycle and it didn’t work.

I was pretty devastated and stressed out. I went to Barnes and Noble, looking for books and I found Inconceivable. For me it was like somebody was telling me to trust my own instincts and not listen to people who tell me that I can’t do what I want to do. Here was this woman with a higher FSH than mine, with doctors who didn’t even want to work with her. And still she kept going. It really resonated with me. Of course, I had a lot of negative thoughts as well but it strengthened my determination to do whatever was in my power…

I went back to my RE and we did one more cycle without drugs. When that didn’t work, we went straight to the hard stuff. We used Pergonal. It didn’t work.

In the meanwhile I started doing a lot of the things Julia talked about in the book and I found out that Julia was teaching a workshop and one of the women from my support group suggested we go. I wept through every one of the exercises in the workshop. By that point it felt like I had been trying forever. I let go of a lot of grief in those three hours. I also realized what it meant to become your own “fertility authority” and I got the tools to help me get there.

Tough as it was, all I have to do is look at this little bundle and know it was worth every ounce of effort. I’d do it all again in a flash. This was something I had to go through. I am an only child and I had a strong need to have a connection, a genetic connection to someone on this planet.

Overcoming Infertility with Fertile Heart Tools
Womans Legs walking up steps 4 simple steps to re-claiming your fertility and your life

4 Simple Steps

to Re-Claiming Your Fertility & Your Life

Download Julia Indichova’s audio introduction

to the Fertile Heart OVUM Program

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