The importance of heavy metal detoxification for fertility and pregnancy
by Julia Indichova
Seek and Ye Shall Find
Zeolite – is a powerful, naturally occurring detoxifying agent, which I discovered when searching for a remedy for a client with recurring painful herpes symptoms.

Healthier genetic material leads to higher pregnancy rates and lower rates of miscarriages. Which is why I recommend that regardless of diagnosis both partners do what it takes to reduce toxins and increase their overall level of health.
Zeolite has been used for 800 years throughout Asia as a remedy for overall health. It has a chelation- like effect in removing heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, and other positively charged toxins from the system. It acts as a complement to traditional antioxidants, since it traps free radicals in its complex structure, inactivating and eliminating them.
It’s All Around Us
Heavy metal contamination, present in the air, water, soil and thus in our bodies, has been implicated in a host of serious health conditions. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, some 70,000 chemicals are used commercially in the US, the majority of them potentially hazardous to our health. Analyzing data from a recent study published in Human Reproduction, a European reproductive medicine journal* a team of UCLA scientists have reported an alarming link between toxic Teflon chemical PFOA (perfluorooctanoic acid) and reproductive problems, fetal development, and increase of cancer risk.
Environmental working group (EWG) scientists noted that we should expect to discover more and more links between chemical exposures and impaired reproductive function, childhood cancers, dementia, asthma, among others.
The Importance of Adequate Hydration
A traditional antioxidant works by absorbing excess free radicals into its system because it has an unpaired electron)
Zeolite is commercially available in the product Natural Cellular Defense. There are no reports of side effects, except one: because of its natural action to absorb water, Zeolite can cause dehydration. It is therefore important to drink sufficient water (approximately eight glasses a day) both before and while taking Natural Cellular Defense to ensure adequate hydration.
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Copyright ©2011 Julia Indichova, No part of this article may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the permission in writing from Julia Indichova and Fertile Heart™