
Overcoming Secondary Infertility

By on January 15, 2012

Young girl with baby reading a bookA holistic treatment of secondary infertility using nutrition, and mind body tools.

Acording to the National Center for Health Statistics, more than half of American women with at least one child cannot conceive again. The hidden population of couples experiencing Secondary Infertility, defined as the inability to conceive or maintain a pregnancy after having successfully done so before, is little understood and often stigmatized, similarly to the way primary infertility was viewed less than a decade ago.

“Seeing so many couples around me struggling to conceive their first child I often felt as though I were getting in line for seconds before everyone got their turn,” says Julia Indichova, author of Inconceivable (Doubleday, 2001) and most recently The Fertile Female (Adell Press, 2007).

Indichova’s feelings are typical for couples struggling to complete their families. Many women wrestle with guilt about one child “not being enough” for them. Like Julia they may face resentment from those struggling to conceive for the first time, and misunderstanding and hurtful comments from the fertile world where conversations often center on the importance of siblings and optimal spacing of children.

To Julia Indichova as to so many couples in her situation the diagnosis came as a complete surprise. After all her she conceived her first child on the first try. Thirteen months later not only was she told that she had a problem, she was also told that all intervention would be futile. After a lengthy quest for a more hopeful prognosis, Indichova  put together a self-healing regimen with radical life style changes and rigorous self-examination. “I had nothing to lose,” says Indichova, “I said to myself, even if I don’t conceive I’ll be the healthiest I’ve ever been.” Eight months later the impossible became possible. Her younger daughter, Adira, was born in 1994.

In the last thirteen years, Julia’s original healing regimen has become the Fertile Heart™ Ovum Practice, a set of mind-body tools that have helped thousands of women beat allegedly insurmountable obstacles

In the Fertile Heart™ workshops focused on “secondary infertility” Julia Indichova addresses

  • The stigma surrounding secondary infertility
  • The effect of secondary infertility on a marriage
  • Emotional issues that are often central to secondary infertility
  • The parenting challenges and opportunities of secondary infertility

Womans Legs walking up steps 4 simple steps to re-claiming your fertility and your life

4 Simple Steps

to Re-Claiming Your Fertility & Your Life

Download Julia Indichova’s audio introduction

to the Fertile Heart OVUM Program

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