
Infertility or an Invitation?

From Colossal Crisis to Monumental Opportunity

A Mini-Workshop

Thursday September 8th, 2022

Registration $18

What will our fertility challenge, or for that matter any other life challenge ultimately become? A Colossal  Crisis or Monumental Opportunity?

Mother and Baby Mini Workshop with Julia Indichova Infertility: Colossal Crisis or Monumental Opportunity?


This introductory, 90 minute, mini-workshop is a chance to dip your toes into the FertileHeart stream and test the waters before you might decide to dive in.  To make it as accessible as possible we’re offering it at a nominal registration fee of $18. This is a GMT friendly session at 2:00PM EDT (New York) /  7:00PM (BST) London.

Here are some of the topics we’ll cover:

  • A fertility challenge is different from any other health challenge. How then do we turn that fact into a life-saving opportunity rather than a panic-inducing crisis?
  • Why, ironically, the multitude of experts and information is making us more helpless than ever before
  • Three most common mistakes that can not only keep you from getting pregnant but increase hormonal havoc?
  • Why a search for the perfect “fertility diet” could distract us from the instructions of the most trustworthy fertility nutritionist
  • Why yoga, as useful as it might be, could also lead to silencing the wisdom of our bodies
  • Why today more than ever before we must become our own fertility authorities and how the Fertile Heart toolkit could help us get there

Yes. It hurts and DEFINITELY feels like a colossal crisis. Longing for a child that we wish we could hold in our arms right this very minute, hurts a lot.

So let’s turn the pain of this challenge into “labor pain.” Let’s use it to birth the mothers, fathers, parents we long to be.

Let’s use the intelligence of our hearts to point us in the direction of healing. Turning this emotionally charged challenge from a colossal crisis into a monumental opportunity is what the FertileHeart OVUM Practice is about.

Come, bring a pen and paper (or a writing tool) and more importantly, bring your whole, undistracted, openhearted, openminded Self.

Can’t wait to hear your voice. The most exciting part of these calls for me is always the chance to engage with individual callers. So I hope you’ll send in your questions, and let me know if I can engage with you directly during the session!

See you in the Zoom room!



“Dear Julia, I am writing to introduce you to our little miracle…the result of an IVF/FET. Yes we got medical help, but I truly, truly believe that the skills you helped me cultivate within myself are what brought us this success. I relied very heavily on the lessons in your books, from your workshop, and from the phone calls.
Thank you, a million times over, for the work that you do!”. – Lisa F. Montreal, Canada

Julia Indichova is the author of The Fertile Female: How the Power of Longing for a Child Can Save Your Life and Change the World (Adell Press,2007) & Inconceivable: A Woman’t Triumph over Despair & Statistics  (Three Rivers Press 2001 the first book about infertility written from a patient’s point of view. The Fertile Heart™ Ovum Practice is an original fertility enhancing program that emerged through a decade and a half of counseling. Julia Indichova’s work has been endorsed by leading reproductive endocrinologists and her story and program was featured on the Oprah Winfrey Show, Good Morning America, Oxygen, Discovery Health, Huffington Post, and other outlets.  Julia’s profile is featured in the 9 People to Watch This Year (2016) Cover Story of the Hudson Valley Magazine.  After 9/11 Julia initiated The 9// Bowing Project focused on applying the tools of her fertility program to the peace efforts.

S. and I really loved the workshop. He and I have been fighting a fair amount since experiencing difficulties getting and keeping a healthy pregnancy. Last night, after your workshop we slept in each other’s arms. It was lovely…

Amanda and Sean

Womans Legs walking up steps 4 simple steps to re-claiming your fertility and your life

4 Simple Steps

to Re-Claiming Your Fertility & Your Life

Download Julia Indichova’s audio introduction

to the Fertile Heart OVUM Program

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