Living a Fertility Success Story Is a Choice Each of Us Must Make Over and Over Again
What do you need right now?
Whenever I ask someone that question, eventually the answer is –
Although the majority of people arrive at that truth only after a few other answers, such as:
- I need help figuring out the whole fertility diet thing
- I’m so confused about fertility supplements, I think I’m taking way too many
- I’m not sure if I should do acupuncture or find a naturopath or can I just figure it out on my own?
- Now that my third IVF failed is it really time to move on to donor egg?
Information can be useful. I’ve gathered countless pages of useful information on low AMH levels, recurrent pregnancy loss, luteal phase defect (not a label I subscribe to) fertility cleansing and more here at Fertile Heart not only through years of research, but through witnessing what’s possible through the case histories of women and couples who conceived healthy babies against all odds.
But what I have found, is that most of us need emotional stamina and a reliable source of guidance to make use of the massive amount of information available to us. Otherwise a thousand more pages on Google are not going to get us any closer to the baby.

Julia Indichova, Fertile Heart Studio
Information or inspiration?
I bet, at this point you have enough information to last you several lifetimes.
Inspiration from the mouths of real people who overcame some tough odds–even tougher than the ones you’re up against–or step by step guidance that has transformed this painful challenge into a real-deal life-changer that’s not all that easy to find.

Natural Conception after: 7 years, 6 miscarriages, 4 failed IVF’s “The fear of losses is dissipating…I want to thank you for your work and thank God I found you!”
Yes, infertility sucks. Until we discover that it showed up to save our lives.
Which part of you will be choosing the next step?
Whether you’re exploring natural fertility boosting options, prepping for IVF, Egg Donation, Embryo Transfer, thinking about adoption, or choosing to take a break from it all until the right path reveals itself, the important part is making sure you’re not acting out of panic.
Because no matter how much information you gather, panic driven choices usually end up creating more panic.
Before you hit that next trail of the baby journey, ease that backpack off your shoulders and take in some Fertile Heart nourishment. Make sure you’re choosing the path that takes you to where you want to go with as few bruises as possible.
I came to Julia’s website just over a year ago with 6 failed IUIs, 5 failed IVF cycles, and 4 more cancelled IVF attempts. I had been trying to have a child for over 6 years and went through every fertility medical route possible. Click here for full story.
No such thing as failure in this neighborhood
The truth is, “fertility success story,” is not my favorite phrase. Why not? Because it implies that you could also be a “fertility failure story.” And in the Fertile Heart™ land there is no such thing as a failure of any kind.
Each of those links above, leads to one of the pages of the Fertile Heart Success Stories and there are plenty more throughout the site, check them out. Watch a video, listen to a CD, join the next teleconference or workshop.
Whatever you do, stop chasing your last good egg. Open your heart to a little inspiration and let your child meet you halfway!
Give a holler if you need anything!