
Another Fertility Super Food: Flaxseeds

By on October 9, 2024

Another superfood to place on your fertility food list for Moms and Dads prepping for baby, and to keep in the fridge to stay healthy and energized for those three AM feedings, is the fabulous flax seed.


Here are 5 top reasons flax seeds will help keep you fertile and energized before and long after pregnancy.

Flaxseeds and Estrogen-Progesterone Balance

Flaxseeds are one of the richest sources of omega 3 essential fatty acids needed for balancing your hormones, and energy production. Which means if your estrogen-progesterone balance needs support, flax seeds are the way to go.

Flaxseeds and ovulation rates

Omega-3 fatty acids can help improve ovulation rates. Flaxseeds, being a plant-based source of omega-3s (in the form of alpha-linolenic acid,) could contribute to this effect by improving insulin sensitivity, reducing inflammation, and balancing hormones, all of which are crucial for regular ovulation.

Flaxseeds and luteal phase

A short luteal phase is a pretty common culprit inhibiting implantation. These super-seeds will help lengthen it. As you know, the luteal phase is the second half of your menstrual cycle, starting after ovulation and lasting until your period begin. This is the time when your “holy human loaf” gets ready for a potential pregnancy. If the luteal phase is too short, hormone levels like progesterone may drop too early and the lining will shed before implantation can happen. So extending the luteal phase ensures there is enough time for the uterus to build up a robust lining and give your precious embryo enough time to implant.

Flaxseeds Breast Cancer Protection:

Flaxseeds are rich in compounds called lignans, which are plant-based nutrients that have a similar structure to estrogen. These lignans can have a balancing effect on estrogen levels in the body. When consumed, they are converted by gut bacteria into active forms that can bind to estrogen receptors. This means they can potentially block the effects of stronger, cancer-promoting estrogens, thereby lowering the risk of breast cancer.

Cardiovascular Health:

Flaxseeds are also excellent for heart health, mainly because they are high in omega-3 fatty acids (especially alpha-linolenic acid, or ALA) and fiber. Omega-3s help reduce inflammation, lower blood pressure, and prevent the formation of blood clots. The soluble fiber in flaxseeds can help lower cholesterol levels by trapping bile, which contains cholesterol, and releasing it from the body.

As you see, these tiny seeds are powerful allies on your fertility journey and way beyond.

Most of the studies tested 10 grams of flax-seeds a day. To simplify, two tablespoons a day (a slightly higher amount) sprinkled on your granola, or your salad, or added to your smoothie will do the trick.

*Important note: you must drink plenty of water if you’re eating flax seeds to make sure that it moves easily through your gut

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Flax Pudding


1 cup of organic almond, hazlenut or coconut milk (or other non dairy milk)

4 tbsp. ground flax seeds (You can purchase them already ground or grind them yourself in food processor or coffee grinder)

1 tsp of vanilla

1 tsp Maple Syrup ( Adjust the amount of sweetener to taste and substutue with honey or agave if you prefer)


Combine all the ingredients in a container, mix well, cover and refrigerate. You can serve in an hour, but it will thicken more overnight.  When serving add fresh or frozen strawberries, blueberries, or any low-glycemic fruit.

Another important note: the consumption of flaxseed oil has been linked to miscarriages, so just to play it super-safe I would avoid eating flax seeds or ingesting the oil once you become pregnant.

Overcoming Infertility with Fertile Heart Tools

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