I have been working mainly with the Fertile Heart Imagery, ‘Field of Creation‘… Curiously the day after we got the news that I was pregnant I was invaded by a depressing feeling running through my body and heart. I thought it could be the hormones, but at the same time, I started to understand my own ambivalent feelings about becoming a mother, being afraid that I may become depressed just as my mother was.
This is a very deep-rooted fear and since then I have been doing many Imagery and Body Truth exercises such as My mother, not myself, Cutting the Cord (with my mum) and the imagery where I experience myself being in my mother’s womb at different stages of her pregnancy. I think it’s called Womb with a View. All I can say is that this is a really, really profound healing practice, the best natural fertility drugs.
– Nuria (Nuria conceived spontaneously after 2 failed IVF’s, 2 chemical pregnancies and 1 miscarriage.

I want to also thank you again for the tools… I truly feel like I’ve made more progress towards starting to heal in 2 weeks than in the last 6 years since my mom died…I was going to race to acupuncture this afternoon, but stopped myself. Instead, I gave myself a dose of Room of Fear, Healing the Heart (my mainstay), and (for the first time since my last miscarriage) Nine Hearts. The last one is difficult for me, because it requires a certain level of commitment due to its length and the fact that it visually spans the entire length of a pregnancy. But I did it.”
Tanya conceived her IVF twins after multiple failed treatment and four miscarriages

I started a new and very delicious imagery sequence with Julia’s help and guidance. During a session together we conceived of a sequence to help me get in touch with my orphans that are feeling pissed off about being “chosen” for this special challenge of infertility. I have someone to address my frustrations towards, and full permission to let loose. Also with Julia’s help, I have realized that I am often very reserved in both my imagery work and Body Truth work- always feeling as though I am not alone, being watched, and thus just a bit reserved and wanting to not fully release my emotions. This is something I need work on. I am realizing this has always been a character trait of mine- not wanting to piss anyone off, wanting to please, and being embarrassed to “cause a scene.” These are really the best natural fertility drugs.
Mandy conceived her baby girl spontaneously after three and a half years of unexplained infertility, ectopic pregnancy, loss of one Fallopian tube and 3 failed medicated IUI’s and then conceived a baby boy the same way.

Hello Julia – six weeks early on Oct 7 all of our hopes and prayers were answered. Little H. arrived with a bang! She’s completely healthy – just decided to make an appearance early to the party…My husband and I want to thank you so dearly – I had been diagnosed with severe DOR at 35 and it had been 2.5 years with only an early miscarriage… Thank you and everyone at Fertile Heart for putting our spirits at ease. I’ve been doing a lot of “Jailbreak” and “Ladder of Light” imagery. I also added “Defend/Receive” from Body Truth. The “Backpack …stayed with me the entire pregnancy. Thank you again a thousand times over! These are the best natural fertility drugs!
Angela conceived her baby girl through her first IVF

Hi, Julia, I’m writing to tell you that I’m pregnant. I took a pregnancy test at the end of last week, and, amazingly, I am naturally pregnant (at 41, after 6 failed IVF’s, 4 IUI”s with stimulation drugs over 8 years.) I am doing lots of White Flower, Three Steps Forward, and Welcome Home Body Truth as a I am constantly worrying about miscarrying. I wasn’t going to join in tonight’s circle as a result, but I could do it if you think it would be helpful…Thank you so very much for all your help, love and support. I was only thinking the other week, how it was a year ago…that I came to Woodstock to meet you! Yours affectionately, Sarah P. London UK

We also worked with the “Meeting Your Child Halfway” imagery exercise. In one of the images I saw myself driving my car with a little girl and boy in the back seat. It was Saturday morning and I was driving to the supermarket. My husband, Steve, was outside doing yard work. Julia guided me to work with the image and choose whether or not I wished to do what it takes to walk toward this reality. She assured me that as I moved toward my child, my child was moving toward me. I only needed to meet the child halfway.
Through practicing the imagery, I became the woman driving the car. In my mind, I sensed what it felt like to drive my healthy child to the market as a confident and happy mother. Julia concluded by saying, “This is your reality.”
The following week, Julia came into the session with Nine Hearts, an imagery she conceived the night before that felt like the perfect medicine. That afternoon, I went to the store to buy a baby present for a friend. I was drawn to a little pink book called, “Bloom.” I opened the book and found little red hearts floating all over the first two pages. The book was about a little pig who falls in love, becomes broken¬hearted, and learns to love again. I couldn’t help but notice the parallel to my own story. I decided to buy the book.”
Heather conceived spontaneously after 5 miscarriages and several failed treatments and conceived a healthy baby girl 3 months into working with Julia.

I’ve been meaning to get in touch because something pretty amazing happened, and it has a lot to do with something you said to me during our last private session. You said I should work with the Circle of Protection imagery, and when I did, I had an enlightening conversation with my grandmother who died when I was 13. She had my aunt when my mom was 13 (my uncle was 15), and she didn’t even want a third baby. She smoked and drank a lot at the time she got pregnant, plus she was pushing 38 in the 60’s.
Part of me always thought I had more time because if she could get pregnant with my aunt doing all of that shit, then surely I could get pregnant at 40 in NYC in 2020. But then that didn’t happen, and I started resenting her for getting something by doing nothing. So when she showed up in the circle, I got to tell her all of that, and then she said something to me that has been pretty life-changing. She told me my aunt was a miracle, and sure, she didn’t plan on her, and she certainly wasn’t taking care of her body at the time, but my aunt still made it here, despite it all. And she said, “How could you know this about me and not believe that you can have a miracle? You can have a miracle, Lauren.” I would have never had this conversation with my grandmother without your imagery work.”
Again, I can’t thank you enough. I remember the feeling I had during my first private consultation with you. I remember telling my husband it was the first time I’d felt hopeful in about a year. I’m so grateful to have found you, and to have these tools going forward. And I hope to be able to thank you in person one day for changing my life — I’ll bother you next time I’m heading to Woodstock :) It’s truly incredible work you do.
Huge hugs and appreciation,
Lauren conceived a healthy baby boy through her first IVF with the help of Fertile Heart Imagery

I wanted to share an amazing experience, how I used Body Truth, and a dream and the imagery ‘Learning How to Ask‘.
What happened was that I woke up the other morning, I felt so angry and upset and I didn’t know why. So I did Welcome Home Body Truth, and my body wanted to punch and kick and suddenly I remembered that I had a dream about a friend I used to be very close with. In the dream, just like in real life, I felt abandoned by this friend. I was very needy and vulnerable in the dream and she was cold toward me.
After I wrote down the dream, I decided to do the imagery ‘Learning How to Ask’ and I realized that in my relationship with her and in so many of my relationships it’s always my Orphan that asked for things. I was ashamed of needing help and feeling weak.
When I experimented in the imagery with asking as a Visionary, I felt a real truth coming from me. I realized that learning how to ask starts by connecting and honoring the needs that spring from our hearts, and that it’s okay for me to be vulnerable and ask from a place where I can be there for myself and also trust that people who love me will be there for me. Just like I’m there for them when they are vulnerable. Having these tools is truly a lifesaver. What a gift you have given me, Julia. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!
Maria S.