Thank You for Purchasing the Body Truth CD
“This is the body that has housed your soul since your conception. It remembers the moods and movements, the fears and tremors of your mother’s heart. What else could hold the key to the mystery of your next creation?”
An increasing volume of studies speaks of the link between unowned emotions and physical symptoms. The presence of a cell-level intelligence is a widely discussed subject. Yet none of this research is useful unless we validate it through direct experience, then translate it into healing behavior. The Fertile Heart™ Body Truth practice allows us to examine these ideas – through a series of movement sequences and a guided meditation – in the exquisite laboratory of our own lives.
The ideas shared are not intended to replace the guidance of a health professional.
Each listener is expected to take full responsibility for her/his well being.
Disc One:
1) Introduction
2) Riding The Current of Creation – Introduction
3) A Guided Meditation
Disc Two: The Movement Sequences (Some of the sequences include a more in-depth discussion of the intention, so be sure to listen to the entire sequence when you are first familiarizing yourself with the content of this program.)
1) Introduction
2) Welcome Home – The intention is to ground yourself, in order to recognize the guidance of your inner Visionary.
3) Defend, Receive – The intention of this sequence is to experience the difference between defending ourselves from life and staying open for the current of creation to deliver the provisions for the next part of our pilgrimage.
4) Elbows First – The intention is to engage your will and “elbow” your way through the crowd of inner and outer “Orphans.”
5) Speak Your Peace – The intention is to unclench and encourage the free flow of energy on every level: spiritual, emotional, intellectual and physical.
6) Womb with a View – The intention of the next two sequences, Womb With a View and Cry For Justice, is to heal and release hidden, disturbing, pregnancy- and birth-related images.
7) Cry for Justice – The intention of this sequence remains the same: to release and repair birth-related beliefs and images that no longer serve you.
8) Rock the Baby – The intention is to comfort and calm the body-child.
9) My Mother, Not Myself – The intention is to become aware of any “issues in your tissues” connected to your relationship with your mother. These might be beliefs about motherhood, or about what is or is not possible for you.
10) Soul on Fire – The intention of this sequence is thus to open ourselves to the pleasure of being in a physical body; to experience and express ourselves as sexual beings, and to ultimately engage more fully, more erotically, in everything we do.
11) Woman – The intention is to repair beliefs, images, and false views of the feminine, for both women and men, and celebrate the feminine aspect of our nature.
12) Out of the Trap – The intention is to fully harness the power of our desire. (Read the “Counting Snowflakes” chapter of The Fertile Female for an additional exploration of harnessing the power of longing for a child.)
13) The Wailing Wall – The intention is to feel the support of something stronger than yourself and transform painful feeling into life-affirming energy.
14) Child’s Play – The intention is to enliven and stimulate the body and the imagination and to add a little fun to your day.
15) The Orphans – The intention is to create a safe space for the inner Orphans to speak and release their truths, so they don’t need to express them through symptoms or self-sabotage.
16) Unconditional Gratitude – The intention of this sequence is to open our receptor sites to the powerful remedy of unconditional gratitude.
17) Conclusion
Guidance for Your Daily Body Truth Practice:
Body Truth is such a beautiful, helpful tool. I want to make sure you get the most out of this audio program. With that in mind a few additional clarifying notes that have been useful to my clients over the years.
The human body is a tuning fork tuned to the sound of Truth. The Fertile Heart Body Truth Practice supports the body (or in the language of FertileHeart, our “Holy Human Loaf”) in speaking the Truth in a healing, enlivening way so it doesn’t need to be expressed in ways that don’t serve us.
And in this practice we do that, we support this instrument of creation in speaking the Truth in two ways.
By giving it freedom speech in the form of movement regardless of what that movement looks like. The Welcome Home Sequence, the Orphans, and Child’s Play on the Body Truth CD are sequences that are meant to offer that kind of encouragement.
That’s one way we support the body in speaking her truth by giving it freedom of speech in the form of movement, regardless of what that movement looks like. The Welcome Home Sequence, the Orphans, sequence and Child’s Play on the Body Truth CD are sequences that are meant to offer that kind of encouragement.
In terms of daily practice we can work with the sequences in this first group depending on the need of the moment. Welcome Home is a beautiful sequence anytime we feel that we are disconnected from ourselves, from our bodies, from the Truth.
Another way we coax the body to find its perfect path to the Truth is to suggest specific movements and with a gentle awareness observe the response these movements evoke. Sequences such as My Mother Not Myself, Womb with a View, Defend Receive, Soul on Fire are based on the common themes that came up for me and the clients I have worked with over the years.
With this group of sequences, we can work similarly to the way we work with Imagery. If we’re struggling with something related to our birth, or our sexuality we might want to work with Womb with the View or Soul on Fire for 7, 14, or 21 days until we feel a shift in our relationship to our birth or our sexuality.
I hope this helpful. You will also find a lot more about Body Truth in the Issues in Your Tissues Chapter of The Fertile Female or if you own the Meeting Your Child Halfway Video Series, there is a great segment in that program titled Body Truth: Mixing the Batter of the Holy Human Loaf
Enjoy your practice!
Fertile Heart™ Workshop Participants Write about Body Truth:
“Thanks for the amazing Fertile Heart Body Truth CD set! As you may remember, this has always been the piece of the Fertile Heart tools which I had the most difficulty understanding. This makes it so much more accessible to me. I need to tell you about my experience with the first CD. The exercise which includes connecting with the feelings your mother had while you were in utero brought forth amazing revelations to me! The feelings which came up were the feelings my mother had when my parents had been told that she had probably had a miscarriage. She had been bleeding and the doctor felt sure that she had lost me. I found myself comforting her, assuring her that I was OK. Then I remembered that my most intense experience at the Fertile Heart workshop with you was being overwhelmed with terrible fears/grief of losing any child that we may have in the future. I think Body Truth has really helped me begin to get in touch with and release these fears. This work continues to help me in so many ways!”
– Anna M. Chicago
“For me, this was the ‘missing link.’ The Body Truth work was the piece that was missing and the exercises helped me connect and release all the emotions, fear, tension, hatred, despair, that were trapped in my body. After the workshop and the following day, I remember feeling like I had a massage – my entire body, my neck, my back, my shoulders, were relaxed and at ease. One month after this experience, I became pregnant with my second child after being told I had a better chance of winning the lottery than having a child naturally.”
– Mary C. New Jersey
“Loving the Wailing Wall, kicking the people who say dumb things. Tonight I was scratching and tearing at the sky to get a baby. I felt very angry and entitled and driven. It felt good. I am getting a lot out of this that I can’t even really explain, but, I feel shifts and that’s nice.”
– Suzanne L. New York City
Copyright ©2008-2015 Julia Indichova and All rights reserved.
No part of this recording may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means without the permission in writing from Julia Indichova and FertileHeart™. Thank you for respecting the years of dedication that led to the creation of this program