
Fertile Heart Workshops and Ongoing Fertile Heart Visionaries Zoom Circles

“Thank you so much for today’s circle. This is my second time attending, and both times I felt inspired, understood, challenged, and supported. It’s wonderful to listen to you and my peers on the call.”

“I thought tonight was breathtakingly supportive and I want to thank you for such an incredible circle. I took so many notes, and I’ve been rereading them and digesting everything with V…. makes me want to see all the Visionaries waiting to be born in me….”

“I found the circle on Tuesday wonderful. From the opening soothing section to the final dream I felt like I was soaking up nourishing medicine the entire time.”

Mandy Pregnant Thank you for a very healing Fertile Heart circle
Mandy Pregnant Thank you for a very healing Fertile Heart circle
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Anna's Fertile Heart Babies

In my own life and in the lives of thousands of women and couples the Fertile Heart OVUM Practice has become a truly life-saving, profound practice.

You can engage with it to any level, but what has become more and more clear to me, is that it’s not a practice most of us can do alone.

Why? Because when we’re in labor, when we’re going through the inevitable contractions that come with birthing a new, stronger Self, we need midwives who can help deliver that new Self. The Mother, Father, Parent we long to be.

 It’s also a lot more fun to have a circle of allies as we ascend some of the more slippery slopes on our pilgrimage. There is much we can heal through just engaging with the tools of the Fertile Heart practice. But what we can conceive in a live event with other flesh and blood humans, is not replaceable by anything else.

The Visionary calls are real time, live Zoom sessions facilitated by me with lots of interaction. You get to ask me any questions that come up for you as you dive into the practice and you also get to hear me interact with everyone else.

Whatever way you choose to move forward, I hope you remember that every single one of you has what it takes to turn this “invitation” aka “infertility” into something that will be a major turning point toward the good in your life.  Or the “Good” with an upper-case G in all of our lives.

I hope to have the pleasure to be your running buddy on the trail.

With love,


Womans Legs walking up steps 4 simple steps to re-claiming your fertility and your life

4 Simple Steps

to Re-Claiming Your Fertility & Your Life

Download Julia Indichova’s audio introduction

to the Fertile Heart OVUM Program

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