
Male Infertility and Epigenetics

A Podcast with Dr. Paul Turek and Author Julia Indichova

The Epigenetic Revolution. a phrase that is gaining popularity in the culture at large and in the world of baby making, is all about our own power to affect change in our bodies and our lives.

It’s also an idea that has been central to the Fertile Heart OVUM approach to conception. Which is why I was thrilled to engage in conversation on that topic with Dr. Paul Turek, one of the thought leaders in the area of male fertility and sexual health.

Healthy Dad, Healthy Sperm: The Link is Epigenetics

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The topics we explored:

  • Epigenetics: what is it and why it matters.
  • What’s wrong with a half a century old semen analysis?
  • Epigenetics in the context of male fertility challenges.
  • The effect of lifestyle and diet on our epigenetic profile and male factor
Healthy Dad Healthy Sperm A talk on Epigenetics with Dr. Paul Turek and Author Julia Indichova

Dr. Paul Turek is an internationally known thought leader in men’s reproductive and sexual healthcare and research. A fellowship trained, board-certified physician (American Board of Urology), he has received many honors and awards for his work and is an active member and leader in professional associations worldwide. After completing a fellowship in male reproductive medicine and microsurgery at Baylor College of Medicine, he was recruited to the faculty of the University of California San Francisco (UCSF), one of the nation’s top ten hospitals. In time, he was awarded membership in the prestigious Academy of Medical Educators and became a full professor, with an Endowed Chair in Urology.Yet despite the international acclaim and the chance to mentor the next generation of physicians, Dr. Turek realized that what he most enjoyed was being a physician and caring for patients with reproductive health problems. As Dr. Turek explains, “I’ve always believed in scientific research because it generates knowledge, but what matters most to me is how that translates into good, old-fashioned wisdom for patient care.” That simple but deeply felt insight gave birth to The Turek Clinic.

Julia Indichova  is the author of The Fertile Female: How the Power of Longing for a Child Can Save Your Life and Change the World & Inconceivable: A Woman’t Triumph over Despair & Statistics  The Fertile Heart™ Ovum Practice is an original fertility enhancing program that emerged through a decade and a half of counseling. Julia Indichova’s work has been endorsed by leading reproductive endocrinologists and her story and program have been featured on the Oprah Winfrey Show, Good Morning America, Oxygen, Discovery Health, Huffington Post, and other outlets.  Julia’s profile is featured in the 9 People to Watch This Year (2016) Cover Story of the Hudson Valley Magazine.

FertileHearted Human, a project initiated by author Julia Indichova aims to spiral into the more probing questions linked to living a fertile life: What makes us fertile? Is infertility a disease or a symptom? What makes for a conception friendly relationship with our bodies or the culture we’re part of?

Pregnant Woman in White link to Fertile Heart Mind-Body Teleconference. Juicing for Fertility
Pregnant Woman in White link to Fertile Heart Mind-Body Teleconference. Juicing for Fertility
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Newborn Baby Cradled in Hands - 3 Most Common Mistakes to Keep From Getting Pregnant
Overcoming Infertility with Fertile Heart Tools
Womans Legs walking up steps 4 simple steps to re-claiming your fertility and your life

4 Simple Steps

to Re-Claiming Your Fertility & Your Life

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to the Fertile Heart OVUM Program

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