
Egg Donation as a Journey of Healing

An Audio Program with Julia Indichova

A Two-Part Program with Dr. Frederick Licciardi and Mothers of Children Conceived through Egg Donation, Facilitated by Author Julia Indichova

Part One: In this segment Dr. Frederick Licciardi, director of NYU Fertility Center’s Donor Program, one of country’s largest centers gives a thorough overview of the egg donation process and generously answers questions from the moms-to-be on the call. Dr. Licciardi is board certified in obstetrics and gynecology, and reproductive endocrinology, he is experienced in all aspects of infertility treatment and surgery. Widely recognized as a thought leader in his field, Dr. Licciardi is an associate professor at the New York University School of Medicine and a recipient of numerous industry awards.

“I was 35 years old when I started trying for a baby. I am now 53 and have the most wonderful 18 month old daughter and my dream has come true. But it took me all those years of agony, 2 miscarriages and 4 failed donor egg IVFs. What made the difference on the 5th IVF? Without a doubt it was joining the circle and practice of Fertile Heart when I was almost 51. I’d read your book, Inconceivable, and then when I saw your website, Julia, I KNEW it was for me… I really got into my Fertile Heart practice and by joining the Visionary Circles I got to ask my questions, hone my practice, listen to others on a similar journey, and identify what was key for me through your input…I can’t thank you enough for being you, and sharing what you know. It’s made all the difference!”

Helen Northcott, London, UK

Newborn Baby on Bed Egg Donation Success Story after 4 Failed Egg Donation Cycles

Part Two:  In part two of the program, we hear five Fertile Heart Moms sharing their experience with the egg donation process. Listening to their stories, it’s clear that the egg donation journey can become a journey of self-discovery and healing for the parents who choose this path as well as the young woman who decides to be part of their story. The case histories of the moms in the Fertile Heart community are a testament to the potential to use this ART option as a life-affirming pilgrimage for everyone involved.

A mom talks about the Fertile Heart OVUM work with Donor Egg

?“When I went there (to the workshop) I had been struggling with the possibility of egg donation for 6 years…At the workshop and afterward I found I was reaching a space that finally allowed me see that I had options to create our family. And that I wasn’t less of a mother, woman, person, catholic, or wife for seeking generosity from and egg donor. Along with diet and imagery I really delved deep into the “issues in my tissues” as Julia says. Through imagery, blogs, reading her books, the retreat and conference calls I did that. It was very powerful. I also used the vitamins she recommended which I loved and felt really good using. We are now 4 1/2 months pregnant with two gorgeous beings. I am proud to carry these spirits into this world and look forward to staying true to myself through the process… Thanks Julia for your continued work. I’m so grateful to you I think the work that you do is amazing. It’s so needed in this world and I really, just really appreciate it. I wouldn’t be where I am if people like you didn’t come into my life”

Jenna, a Fertile Heart Mom of 3 Donor Conceived Children

Newborn Baby Cradled in Hands - 3 Most Common Mistakes to Keep From Getting Pregnant
Newborn Baby Cradled in Hands - 3 Most Common Mistakes to Keep From Getting Pregnant
Overcoming Infertility with Fertile Heart Tools
Womans Legs walking up steps 4 simple steps to re-claiming your fertility and your life

4 Simple Steps

to Re-Claiming Your Fertility & Your Life

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to the Fertile Heart OVUM Program

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