Getting clear about whom and what we support on our road to parenthood.
Getting clear about whom and what we support on our road to parenthood.
“I have unexplained fertility,” said Mindy (not her real name) in answer to my question about her diagnosis, during a private consultation. She, of course, meant to say, unexplained infertility, but instead, without being aware of it, she offered a a far more accurate diagnoses that the assessment printed in her chart. She also spoke […]
This note is about moving closer to what’s possible in our Fertile Heart Visionary circles. Closer to becoming a genuine supportive, learning, birthing, supremely fertile community. Is that easy? Is genuine human contact easy? Thankfully it has certainly gotten easier for me through the years, but the ten year old I once was, is not […]
How will your wish to give birth to a child or other creations, shape your life? It might depend on how you answer the question we sing about in this video.
Stories of miracles should be told and re-told. Looks like it’s time for this story to be re-told. Mandy’s Fertile Heart story really didn’t begin until she sent this note: Hello Everyone, I am taking away lots of gifts from tonight’s phone class. It is wonderful to feel the connection that I have, for […]
Last night I received an email with a link to a Huffington Post piece titled: The Silent Hell of Infertility During Holidays. This is my response to that piece. Yes, it can be heartbreaking to walk into another holiday gathering filled with other people’s children. Yes, we must honor our grief and mourn the children we […]
4 Simple Steps
to Re-Claiming Your Fertility & Your Life
Download Julia Indichova’s audio introduction
to the Fertile Heart OVUM Program
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