
Julia’s Blog – Birthing Our Families & Our Fiercely Fertile Selves

Friday, November 12, 2010

Fertile Compassion: Let the Orphan Feed the Dream

What a fabulously fertile weekend in San Francisco! As always I fell madly in love with the group that came together at the Hilton, and can’t wait to connect with everyone again. Initially the trip was centered around the Turn It Around Project and the gathering at the Golden Gate Bridge in celebration of the […]

Thursday, October 21, 2010

IVF: The Heavy Cost of the Nobel Prize

For the 4 million children conceived through in-vitro-fertilization, the 2010 Nobel Prize for Medicine, awarded on October 4th, is understandably, good news. Congratulatory statements are also pouring in from advocacy groups, fellow physicians, prominent parenting blogs. How this news plays out in the unfolding story of Assisted Reproduction and its role in shaping our healthcare, […]

Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Fertility Lottery: Playing to Win

I’m in the midst of recording my next imagery CD and what I thought would be a three-session–production, has turned into three weeks of editing and additional rerording yet to be done. So once again, the blog was on hold, until two wonderful Fertile Heart™ moms sent a couple of emails that set my soul […]

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Want a miracle? Be a miracle!

An Invitation to the Fertile-Peace-Maker in Each of Us. I was at the juice bar this morning. “You look so good!” I said to Kyla the friendly waitress behind the counter. I added a few more comments about the color of her dress and how well it suited her. “All this love-making so early in […]

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Sustainably Fertile, Ecologically Kind

I spent my week-long vacation in Sevilla, one of the most architecturally stunning cities in the world. Also vastly polluted, with its gracious, hospitable inhabitants saturating the air with car exhaust fumes and tobacco smoke, getting high on sugar, chowing down on industrially produced meat and deep-fried and mercilessly processed foods. We’ve got  work to do! Mostly I spent the […]

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Rebels with a Cause: Unbiased Infertility Advocacy-An Oxymoron

Thankfully, the December 6th Fertile Heart workshop was, as most workshops in the last few years, fully booked, with a list of names on the waiting list. A few days after the workshop I received several moving emails. One of them came from an aspiring dad. Hi Julia, It’s R.D. from last Sunday’s workshop. I […]

Womans Legs walking up steps 4 simple steps to re-claiming your fertility and your life

4 Simple Steps

to Re-Claiming Your Fertility & Your Life

Download Julia Indichova’s audio introduction

to the Fertile Heart OVUM Program

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