
Are Your Relationships Fertility Friendly?


Yes, being fertile is about being in a fertility friendly relationship with our partners. Even if we are planning to be a single parent, we are in many close relationships.

And if we are to be in a fertility friendly relationship with anyone or anything it begins with being in a fertility friendly relationship with ourselves.

Which includes being in a fertility friendly relationship with our bodies,

and being in a fertility friendly relationship with food.

S. and I really loved the workshop. He and I have been fighting a fair amount since experiencing difficulties getting and keeping a healthy pregnancy. Last night, after your workshop we slept in each other’s arms. It was lovely…


Amanda and Sean

Fertility Friendly Relationships with Fertile Heart Mind-Body Intro Teleconference
Fertility Friendly Relationships with Fertile Heart Mind-Body Intro Teleconference

It’s also about being in a fertility friendly relationship with our history,

about being in a fertility friendly relationship with our parents (whether or not they are still living)

and  about being in a fertility friendly relationship with our siblings.

Being in a fertility friendly relationship with our partners is without a doubt about both of us being in a fertility friendly relationship with our desire to parent a child.

No, none of these relationships need to be fully healed and conflict-free in order for us  become parents.

But in the Fertile Heart OVUM Program we view a fertility challenge as an invitation to heal everything that calls to be healed; an invitation to  be born into our next not yet born Self. That’s what the ideas and every single one of the tools in the Fertile Heart Toolkit intend to accomplish: to  raise the fertility friendliness of all our relationships.

By the time we attended the workshop the second time, R. and my journey felt more like a joined process. It’s true that we each had different experiences, but it felt much more like something we were doing together and planning together. So I remember coming to the second workshop with a little less fear. I knew a little more what I was getting into. It was less to support her and more to experience this together and work together before we would move on to the next part of the journey.

Rachel and Joe

Womans Legs walking up steps 4 simple steps to re-claiming your fertility and your life

4 Simple Steps

to Re-Claiming Your Fertility & Your Life

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to the Fertile Heart OVUM Program

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