
Laughter as Fertility Drug

By on September 4, 2024

Increasing Pregnancy and Implantation Rates with a Hearty Ha Ha Ha

Laughter is good medicine. We’ve heard that one before. But the idea that laughter can increase implantation and pregnancy rates? Really?

A few days ago, I was scanning some notes I collected over the years and came across a long-forgotten study published in the journal Fertility and Sterility  that found higher IVF-pregnancy rates among women who were entertained by a professional “medical clown” right after embryo transfer.


My take?

In the Meeting Your Child Halfway Video Series we speak about the Current of Yes, and the Current of No.

In the Current of Yes we allow the Truth of the moment to move through us. Any Truth. Pleasant or unpleasant. Difficult or easy.

In the Current of No we turn away from Truth. We clench and armor ourselves against anything that’s less than pleasing.

So when it comes to the laughter study, I say, it can be laughter and it can also be tears. The unclenching and letting go can happen through laughter or through tears or at any moment we step into the Current of Truth.

That’s what we’re learning to do with our Fertile Heart Toolkit, allowing ourselves to be carried as fully as possible by the Current of Truth. That’s exactly what has helped all those “statistically unlikely” FertileHeart babies show up after 3, 5, 8 years of failed treatments.

Blonde Woman Laughing

The best way to make use of this study?

If it worked for IVF, why wouldn’t it work for increasing implantation and pregnancy rates in all baby-making attempts.

Implantation happens about six days after fertilization. But you can line up some of your favorite comics and laugh-out-loud movies and start dosing with your implantation-boosting laughter medicine anytime you need a little unclenching help.

The worst way to interpret this study?

What will not be useful is turn the findings of this research into another misleading message such as “just be positive” or “just relax and it will happen.” That would be a sure way to wade right into the fertility depleting, denial-inducing Current of No.

Here are two comics that have been making me laugh lately.

Julio Torres, you can find lots of his sketches online, I also loved his movie Problemista

Gary Gullman is another comic I love.  His special Mommy Look! is wonderful.

Any good LOL recs you can share with the rest of us in the comments?

Overcoming Infertility with Fertile Heart Tools

One Response to “Laughter as Fertility Drug”

  1. Fertile Heart says:

    Any good LOL recs you can share with the rest of us?

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