“After 5 failed IVF’s, we ended up getting pregnant naturally. I want to shout my story from the rooftops…I also want to say that we had the best insurance, but it didn’t matter. What ended up mattering was the work I did with Fertile Heart for the fraction of the cost.”
– Dr. Purani Palaniswami
Praise from the Medical Community
“Cultures change, evolve, and heal because of the courage of individuals.
Julia Indichova is one of those individuals.
Let her be an inspiration for you for how to trust yourself, heal yourself, and reconnect with the wonder of your body and all of its possibilities.”
Christiane Northrup, M.D.,
NYT bestselling author of Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom
“It’s nice to read a medical story with a happy ending.
It’s even nicer when we learn something useful from it for our own lives. So it is with Julia Indichova’s mindful journey described in Inconceivable.”
Ellen Langer, PhD,
Professor of Psychology Harvard Medical School, Author of Mindfulness.
“A most valuable resource not only for women but also for their partners.
The Fertile Female is a thoughtful, passionate and loving guide to the intangibles that surely contribute to difficulty in conceiving.”
Marc Goldstein M.D., F.A.C.S.
Surgeon-in-Chief M.D. F.A.C.S. Male Reproductive Medicine and Surgery, Cornell Institute for Reproductive Medicine
Will you take a breath with me? Just for a minute. Just until these words can land in you.
No matter who you are, what your diagnosis, your age, your marital status, or your challenges–no matter how brokenhearted you might feel at this moment–your longing to love a child is meant to become a gift not a burden in your life.
Whether you’re walking the road of natural conception, or egg donation, or adoption, the Fertile Heart Program, our circle of FertileHearters and I, we’re here to support you in healing what calls to be healed in body, mind, heart and soul.
We’re here to walk with you until you get there. Until you meet your child halfway. Because that’s all we’re ever called to do.
You can engage with the Fertile Heart OVUM toolkit in any way you wish. You can start with my books, or audio programs. If you’re looking for real time live support, the FertileHeart Visionaries Circles facilitated by me would be the way to go.
If you take another few minutes to scroll through this page, you’ll get a sense of what it is we’re after in this work.
And don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions. Just drop me a note: info@fertileheart.com

Success Stories
Natural Pregnancy after Failed IVF
Julia!!! Our baby is born…and he is everything and beyond what I had in my imageries…Your work has changed my life forever…I sometimes hold the baby think about the workshop and have tears in my eyes as that was the first time I felt I could be a mom during that workshop. I also sometimes tell him how we met him half way…
Natural Pregnancy
Unexplained Infertility
I’m so grateful to you Julia, I’m not embarrassed or ashamed in any way, you can share my story, use my name and my picture! It is my desire that more couples find you and your work. If nothing else, you are a better person at the end of the journey with you. Here is my story…
Unexplained Infertility
“To be honest, I was a bit skeptical, but after 15 failed treatments I had exhausted the medical route”…
Image by Image
Meet Your Child Halfway
19 Part Video Series
a mind-body-heart fertility cleanse to guide you toward natural conception, IVF success or a blossoming adoption journey
I just wanted to take a few minutes to say how much I appreciated the visionary circle last night. That video, 2 Parallel Roads, and the additional explanation you gave us yesterday is so powerful…I watched the video again this morning and gained something different after last night’s circle. And I felt the imagery in this video is exactly what I need to be able to surrender more…”
V and I watched the video ‘The Human Game Is A Contact Sport.’ It’s really helped us be aware of having Visionary to Visionary conversations as opposed to Orphan to Orphan conversations…Also, your honesty and personal revelations in the video were very open and intimate. It helped us be more honest.”
Meeting Your Child Halfway
How do I start & Other Questions
Depending on your sense of urgency, you can deep dive into the Fertile Heart work in a live Visionary Zoom Circle led by me (Julia) or just dip your toes in with an Imagery or Body Truth Audio or The Fertile Female. Learn more
Ready to Sort it Out?
“It has been a road full of challenges morphed into blessings, largely due to the soul-searching work we did with the most amazing Julia Indichova and Fertile Heart. To be pregnant naturally at 43 with the love of my life…is just one of the reasons I trust that life is magic…”
– Tiffany Pfeiffer
Unexplained Infertility
Unexplainable Fertility?
To be unable to conceive; to go through a battery of fertility testing and then be told you have unexplained infertility, can send anyone into a tailspin of despair. Especially when the experts said you were an easy case, but here you are 6 failed IUI’s and 3 Failed IVF’s later, and now you’re a “poor responder” to fertility drugs. In the Fertile Heart OVUM Program successful treatment for unexplained infertility starts with tuning in to the guidance of your own body and heart and the natural fertility expert within.
Are You a Statistic?
After decades of research, IVF or egg donation is not a guarantee of pregnancy. Something about conception makes it clear that we are more than a collection of well designed organs. But a failed IUI, or failed IVF can be the start of real healing. The whole-person Fertile Heart OVUM approach :
- Is an original mind-body-fertility program
- Can be used in combination with assisted reproductive technologies
- Can lead to spontaneous conception or successful IUI after failed IVF
- Can support you in birthing a family through adoption, surrogacy or any other road you choose to travel
For a shot of inspiration take a look at the Fertility Success Stories video, to hear how the I.B.O.W. Program helped others turn their failed IUI’s and even multiple failed IVF’s into a chance to birth healthy babies and fertile lives.